Learn our proven, multimillion-dollar system for flipping land - no tenants, termites, or toilets.
YES! I want to schedule a call now to create 6-figure Land Flipping Profits
Apply to join the #1 Land Flipping Incubator on the Planet
The Land Coaching Program™
“Despite being very risk averse, I jumped into the program working part-time. After 13 tough years in Corporate America, I’ve made $450K+ flipping land in less than a year and was just recently able to quit my job!”
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We've created 1,000 millionaires with our strategic, systemized approach to generating wealth with land, and we want you to be next!
This is right for you if you’re:
  • An ambitious individual with a high-performance mindset who’s willing to follow our proven system for at least 12 months so you can master the skills you need to generate wealth with land and scale to high 6-figure land-flipping profits.

  • An aspiring investor who has been looking for a way to break into real estate with a simple, scalable, and strategic asset class that requires no travel or the complications of traditional real estate & houses.

  • An experienced land investor who’s done a few deals but hasn’t found a way to systematically and predictably find & close deals at scale (100+ deals per year).

  • A struggling house flipper who just “gets it.” You know the hassles and headaches that come with houses, and you see land as a less stressful alternative. 

  • An aspiring entrepreneur looking to build a self-managing business that requires minimal financial investment and has a proven, built-in market. 

  • A corporate employee who’s financially comfortable but miserable and looking for a proven way to earn your freedom in part-time hours so you can spend more time with your family, doing the things you love.
  • You’re looking for a “magic pill” to get rich quick instead of a proven model that you plan to work diligently, following the instruction of our world-class coaching team.

  • You’re dabbling, looking at this as a hobby, starting and stopping every few weeks, never really committing (even if you only want to do this a few hours weekly, give it your all!).

  • You’re in a lot of debt or in a dire financial situation and you absolutely need to make money by next week. This program is not for you. The added pressure will cause you to make poor decisions. Come back when you are financially stable.

  • You have a quitter’s attitude.  As soon as things get tough, you bail and go find the next shiny object. This program is a world-class “boots on the ground” education. It’s only for those who are truly committed to seeing results because we will deliver them if you just follow through.
“The LPG team are some of the most stand up folks I have ever worked with. They’ve got solid ethics. The level of effort they put in to help people reach their goals is HUGE! I’ve been around the block once or twice, and I can honestly say I’ve never dealt with another business that operates on their level.”
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“What motivates me most is freedom. Nobody I know loves their job. I still have three years left in college but I already have 14 properties under contract and have made around $43,000. You really have to be 100% committed.”
~ Max Vollmer
Former Athlete, New Land Investor
“So the March and April sales are in escrow and on track. If they close as expected, that will give us $97,000 in our first six months in LPG coaching! Thanks again!”
~  Richard and Dana Filley
University Professor + Travel Professional, Land Investors
Skip the headaches of traditional real estate investing and create sustainable financial freedom.
Land flipping creates countless opportunities, including:

  • Consistent paydays that lead to 6-figure leaps in personal income

  • An opportunity to build passive income without tenants, toilets, or termites (yes, you can cash flow land).

  • A fast track to large numbers of deals in short periods of time.

  • A blue ocean strategy with very little competition.

  • An opportunity to build your wealth to any level you desire 

  • A gateway to investing in larger asset classes.
Land represents the ultimate American Dream.
When you sell a piece of land, here’s what you’ll get:
  • Quantum leaps in 6-figure land flipping profits and income.

  • An opportunity to build passive income without
    tenants, toilets, or termites (yes land cash flows!).

  • A fast-paced opportunity where you can do large numbers of
    deals in shorter periods of time.

  • A blue ocean strategy with very little competition.

  • An opportunity to build your wealth to any level you desire -
    including the gateway to larger asset classes.

Land Flipping at Scale is a SCIENCE.
This science requires four skills you will need to master:
STEP ONE. Find a multitude of great deals on land.

We help you tap into millions of properties around the country. Since you don’t have to see the property in person and the entire transaction happens virtually, you can do high-volume, high-profit deals.

STEP TWO. Contact the sellers and get deals at scale.

We give you the exact formula for using data-driven, targeted outreach to connect with our hyper-motivated sellers and make offers that are going to be accepted, including all our advanced documents, automation systems, and more (Yes, this really works best! People don’t want cold calls). Receive responses personally, or using a call center - whatever works for your schedule and budget.

STEP THREE. Consistently find eager buyers fast.

After you have a bunch of deals, we show you how to find excited, eager buyers who can’t believe the deal you’re offering them. For this, you’ll use our proven “quick sale” marketing systems using little-known real estate marketing channels that work like clockwork. We teach you everything step by step. You don’t need ANY prior marketing experience to do this.

STEP FOUR. Negotiate the deal like a pro.

We’ll teach you how to negotiate a TRIPLE WIN, the final step in land flipping. You need a win for the seller (they’re getting cash in their pocket with little to no effort), a win for the buyer (they’re getting land at an incredible discount), and a win for you (you’re making a profit on every deal!). This negotiation can happen virtually or via phone.

We have a proven track record of success.

We’ve flipped over 4500 pieces of land, personally.

We’ve generated over 8-figures in income through land.

We’ve helped our students generate over 9-figures in deals.

We’ve flipped land for over 20 years.

You won’t find a more experienced team or comprehensive system.

We include the back-end software you need to run your business and will do your first set of mailings for you!
Ready to learn more?

Book a RISK FREE CALL with our team!
The TOP 1% of land flippers in the country
The Land Coaching Program has an all-star lineup of Master Coaches like these who are the
premier & leading experts in land. They’ve hit every roadblock and made every mistake -- So you
don’t have to! They’ll be by your side to answer your questions!
Superpower: Self-Closing and Finding Buyers
3 Years in Land Investing
Expert on buying and selling high price point properties.
Personal Land Strategy: Create win-win situations for both sellers and buyers
Philosophy: "If you are not working for your own dream, you are working for someone else's."
SuperPower: Time Management, Investment Dominator Educator, Mentorship and Leadership.
7 yrs in Land Investing
Personal Land Strategy: Every day make incremental improvements to your business.
Philosophy: "You don't have to be the BEST, Do your BEST"
Superpower: Sales Expert
12 Years in Land Investing
Personal Land Strategy: Lots of smaller deals
Philosophy: “Move with faith for the first 90 days. I can’t wait til you
have so many deals on the table you just say, ‘Throw it on the pile!’”
Superpower: Creating Solutions
Personal Land Strategy: Creating passive cash flow with seller finance deals
Philosophy: “I love helping others achieve their dreams.”
You don’t have to settle for the status quo.

You don’t have to slave away for 50 years, missing the best parts of your life, waiting for retirement.

You can create a freedom-based lifestyle NOW. 

It will take some time and our proven strategies and systems, but it’s entirely possible for you to:
  • Break out from corporate jail

  • Retire your spouse

  • Be a role model for your kids or grandchildren

  • End the potentially generational cycle of failure and lack

  • Create a secure retirement

  • Care for your family the way you know they should be cared for

  • Leave behind a true financial legacy for your loved ones

  • Live a life of purpose

  • Enjoy time with those important to you (not just the people who happen to sit next to you at your job)

  • Give to your church or set up your own charity

  • Work part-time hours so you can finally travel

  • Have more time to spend on hobbies you enjoy
“I ran a cleaning company and worked very, very hard. You can only scrub toilets for so long. I’m proud and humbled to say I’ve been able to earn an incredible lifestyle after 3 years and money is no longer a concern. My business is fully automated, and I expect to cross the 7-figure mark in the next 12 months.”
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10 Reasons to Work with the Land Coaching Program
Instead of Going at it Alone

Reason #1
Get our proven system for flipping land. Every step has been fire-tested and is bulletproof. Why reinvent the wheel when there’s a wheel that has worked for countless people already?
Reason #2
Your coaches have seen it all and done it all. Any questions you have can be quickly answered by your Master Coach, or during one of our daily training calls! In other words, we are there for you!
Reason #3
We can help you avoid the big mistakes beginners and even experienced investors make that will cost you thousands of dollars and months wasted time.
Reason #4
Learn how to scale your business to high 6 and even 7-figures through our proven 3-part approach “Start-Up. Scale-Up. Mastery” so you can quit your job sooner and have a self-managing, highly profitable land business within 12 months.
Reason #5
Create fast wins with our Quick Start program. We love fast movers and want to support you every step of the way.
Reason #6
Get support negotiating contract terms with hesitant buyers. There are 1,000 ways to get a deal done. We take out the guesswork!
Reason #7
Tap into our “hive mind”. We have countless program participants who are all working through their own deals. Ask a question and get priceless insights from our helpful tribe.
Reason #8
Do deals with vetted members of the group if you want to! Members link up and co-invest in deals, especially when they want to leverage creative financing.
Reason #9
Save months or years trying to piece together a lucrative strategy from podcasts, freebies, and programs. Duct-taping many approaches together is inefficient and risky. Learn from the top land investors in the world and get one proven strategy with all the support you need.
Reason #10
Get support with negotiation and deal-structuring so you know word for word what to say and how to close sophisticated buyers who can sniff out a newbie
What’s the investment?
We have several different programs available at almost every budget. Book a call to assess which program is right for you.
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How long will it take me to get my first deal?
Some of our students have done it in less than 60 days (and a few even within 30 days). Others have taken 6 or even 8 months. Most students pay back their program investment with 3 - 5 deals. What’s more important than “time to first deal” is deal acceleration. Within 90 days of their first deal, most of our students are overwhelmed with the great problem to have - “too many deals!”. When you hit the acceleration point, you’ll be excited you had the vision and foresight to see it through.

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What is the potential return on my investment?
  • Take your business from doing 1 deal a month to 5 deals a month, to 10+ deals a month, in a very short period of time
  • Create systems and processes that automate 75% of your business, freeing up more time, and allowing you to focus on high-ticket tasks (like a CEO)
  • Refine your marketing process for higher conversions, better response rates, and higher equity deals
  • Increase your business growth, year after year for the rest of your life
What support is available for me in the program if I have trouble?
This is what truly makes us peerless in this industry. We dedicate an unmatched level of 360-degree support care to your success. First, you get daily "Rapid Results NOW" LIVE training Group Zoom sessions (Monday-Friday)  with our 1% top of the world Land Master Coaches. Second, you get a dedicated 1:1 Master Coach and more 1:1 coaching Zoom sessions with your MASTER COACH than you need to succeed. You also get unlimited access to your personal Master Coach via text message for ongoing support and guidance AND unlimited access to our concierge phone hotline to address immediate deal hurdles and to keep your deals closing like clockwork.

Your membership comes with access to our private Facebook group to post your questions and meet our huge group of land investors for support. We’re a family. Everyone treats each other with kindness and respect, and everyone helps everyone else win. Bottom line: We are here for you, NO MATTER WHAT!

Meet the World’s Pioneers in Land Flipping

We are Jack and Michelle Bosch, Real Estate Investors, Best Selling Authors, Successful Entrepreneurs, and the Premier and Leading Experts on Land Flipping.

We came to America with two one-way plane tickets, two suitcases, and hearts full of dreams. We literally had nothing! Together, we’ve built a beautiful life together flipping land -- two immigrants just in it to win it!!

All we could count on was our willingness to work hard and dream big. Together, we’ve pioneered the fastest, most profitable approach to land flipping worldwide.

We saw how this approach changed our lives, and we wanted to use it to help others. So, while we were comfortable doing our own thing, minding our own business, and raising a family, Jack said, “Let’s teach others how to do this too!”.

And since our land business was fully automated by that time, I agreed! We are on a mission to transform the financial lives of families across the globe, and create 1,000 millionaires with our Land Profit Method.

We are the ONLY Land Coaching Company bringing real world-experience, first-class knowledge, and expertise in the Land Flipping space. We don’t lecture you. We LEAD BY EXAMPLE. We provide you with a SUPERIOR Method, SUPERIOR Strategies, and SUPERIOR Coaching to grow your Land Business.

Jack & Michelle Bosch
We help investors like YOU:

  • Use our multi-million dollar strategies to create consistent paydays that finally match the effort and time you put into the work you are doing

  • Make in a handful of deals exponentially more than most people make in a year.

  • Grow a business that will pay dividends year after year after year.
Are you ready to see results?
Apply NOW to get a FREE 20-minute strategy consultation.

This is a limited-time offer.
Take the first step towards exceptional results!
To your wealth!
© 2022 Orbit Publishing, LLC

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Earning Disclaimer: We don't believe in "get rich quick" programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? The incomes depicted are representative of some of the most successful participants and the majority of individuals earn less. It is our opinion that most people who purchase any "how to" or "improvement" products, including but not limited to our own, get little if any results. We believe this is because they don't take action, and they don't keep trying after hitting the inevitable roadblock. Therefore, these figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. If you want to succeed, you need a desire, a good plan, a solid work ethic, and the ability to keep working toward your goals when you hit obstacles. If you simply keep buying "how to" information and never use it, you're wasting your time. All of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link below. We feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, live fully, love openly, and help others.
